Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Grilled Asparagus

By: Sherrie Crawford

Olive oil
Coarse, Sea or Kosher salt
Black pepper (freshly ground is best)
Lemon juice (fresh is best)

Bend one of your asparagus at the chopped end til it snaps. Cut all the other asparagus to the same spot and rinse. Drizzle with olive oil, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Toss to coat. Place the thicker end over the hot coals, and the tips towards the edge for even cooking, giving extra care to not lose them through the slats. They're finished in about 7 minutes depending on the heat of your coals. Once on a plate, sprinkle with a bit more salt, and a squeeze of lemon juice, and enjoy!

can be done in a 375 degree oven if you're just craving these on a cold winter day.

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